7 research outputs found

    Integration of multiple overlapping range images

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    The work described in this document continues the developing of an online 3D reconstruction pipeline for the ESAT-PSI department of K.U. Leuven (Belgium). The idea of this 3D reconstruction pipeline is that only a digital photo camera and Internet connection is necessary for a user to reconstruct scenes in 3D. The process of obtaining a 3D model from the reconstruction pipeline involves the following main three phases: the data acquisition step of the desired object, the data 3D reconstruction of the partial views and the integration of partial reconstructions in one single 3D model. In the data acquisition phase, some regular images are taken by a consumer-grade digital camera of the target object and uploaded to the reconstruction server. In the reconstruction step, the position (and internal parameters) of the camera is computed for each image. Stereo algorithms are used to create partial reconstructions from each image that are all aligned in a common coordinate system. Both steps have already been developed. In the integration phase, we aim to all these partial reconstructions into single 3D model representation. It is this place that being developed in this Master Thesis. A volumetric integration technique for merging multiple aligned overlapping range images based on the Marching Intersections algorithm is implemented. Furthermore, several techniques are implemented to improve the quality of the 3D final representation. These techniques are: - A filtering procedure of the partial reconstructions. - A weighted function according to the data input confidence. - A triangular mesh-based hole-filling algorithm. - An algorithm for creating a texture by stitching color information from the set of RGB input images using camera’s visibility information. We analyze and obtain conclusions about the results of the implemented integration algorithm and how works the proposed improving techniques. Finally, we analyze a comparison between our application and the volumetric integration algorithm called VripPack

    Estrategias de scheduling para la asignación de recursos radio en una red móvil celular

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    En el siguiente documento se analiza el comportamiento de las disciplinas de servicio NEDF (Normalized Earliest Deadline First) y SCFQ (Self-Clocked Fair Queue) aplicadas en el enlace descendente de un recurso móvil con tecnología GSM/GPRS/EDGE. En la gestión de los recursos móviles tenemos en cuenta tanto el tráfico de voz (llamadas), como el tráfico de datos (descarga de email y navegación wap) y estudiamos en que medida la aplicación de las anteriores disciplinas de servicio mejora el funcionamiento del sistema en términos de retardo y ancho de banda. Para asegurar que los resultados obtenidos son correctos, se empieza por simular sistemas sencillos (p.ej.: M/M1, M/D/1, M/M/C/C ) y verificar analíticamente los resultados obtenidos. A partir de esta base sólida se simulan escenarios más complejos donde aplicamos las disciplinas de servicio comentadas para extraer conclusiones al respecto

    BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation

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    BonFIRE offers a Future Internet, multi-site, cloud testbed, targeted at the Internet of Services community, that supports large scale testing of applications, services and systems over multiple, geographically distributed, heterogeneous cloud testbeds. The aim of BonFIRE is to provide an infrastructure that gives experimenters the ability to control and monitor the execution of their experiments to a degree that is not found in traditional cloud facilities. The BonFIRE architecture has been designed to support key functionalities such as: resource management; monitoring of virtual and physical infrastructure metrics; elasticity; single document experiment descriptions; and scheduling. As for January 2012 BonFIRE release 2 is operational, supporting seven pilot experiments. Future releases will enhance the offering, including the interconnecting with networking facilities to provide access to routers, switches and bandwidth-on-demand systems. BonFIRE will be open for general use late 2012

    Integration of multiple overlapping range images

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    The work described in this document continues the developing of an online 3D reconstruction pipeline for the ESAT-PSI department of K.U. Leuven (Belgium). The idea of this 3D reconstruction pipeline is that only a digital photo camera and Internet connection is necessary for a user to reconstruct scenes in 3D. The process of obtaining a 3D model from the reconstruction pipeline involves the following main three phases: the data acquisition step of the desired object, the data 3D reconstruction of the partial views and the integration of partial reconstructions in one single 3D model. In the data acquisition phase, some regular images are taken by a consumer-grade digital camera of the target object and uploaded to the reconstruction server. In the reconstruction step, the position (and internal parameters) of the camera is computed for each image. Stereo algorithms are used to create partial reconstructions from each image that are all aligned in a common coordinate system. Both steps have already been developed. In the integration phase, we aim to all these partial reconstructions into single 3D model representation. It is this place that being developed in this Master Thesis. A volumetric integration technique for merging multiple aligned overlapping range images based on the Marching Intersections algorithm is implemented. Furthermore, several techniques are implemented to improve the quality of the 3D final representation. These techniques are: - A filtering procedure of the partial reconstructions. - A weighted function according to the data input confidence. - A triangular mesh-based hole-filling algorithm. - An algorithm for creating a texture by stitching color information from the set of RGB input images using camera’s visibility information. We analyze and obtain conclusions about the results of the implemented integration algorithm and how works the proposed improving techniques. Finally, we analyze a comparison between our application and the volumetric integration algorithm called VripPack

    Estrategias de scheduling para la asignación de recursos radio en una red móvil celular

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    En el siguiente documento se analiza el comportamiento de las disciplinas de servicio NEDF (Normalized Earliest Deadline First) y SCFQ (Self-Clocked Fair Queue) aplicadas en el enlace descendente de un recurso móvil con tecnología GSM/GPRS/EDGE. En la gestión de los recursos móviles tenemos en cuenta tanto el tráfico de voz (llamadas), como el tráfico de datos (descarga de email y navegación wap) y estudiamos en que medida la aplicación de las anteriores disciplinas de servicio mejora el funcionamiento del sistema en términos de retardo y ancho de banda. Para asegurar que los resultados obtenidos son correctos, se empieza por simular sistemas sencillos (p.ej.: M/M1, M/D/1, M/M/C/C ) y verificar analíticamente los resultados obtenidos. A partir de esta base sólida se simulan escenarios más complejos donde aplicamos las disciplinas de servicio comentadas para extraer conclusiones al respecto

    Integration of multiple overlapping range images

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    The work described in this document continues the developing of an online 3D reconstruction pipeline for the ESAT-PSI department of K.U. Leuven (Belgium). The idea of this 3D reconstruction pipeline is that only a digital photo camera and Internet connection is necessary for a user to reconstruct scenes in 3D. The process of obtaining a 3D model from the reconstruction pipeline involves the following main three phases: the data acquisition step of the desired object, the data 3D reconstruction of the partial views and the integration of partial reconstructions in one single 3D model. In the data acquisition phase, some regular images are taken by a consumer-grade digital camera of the target object and uploaded to the reconstruction server. In the reconstruction step, the position (and internal parameters) of the camera is computed for each image. Stereo algorithms are used to create partial reconstructions from each image that are all aligned in a common coordinate system. Both steps have already been developed. In the integration phase, we aim to all these partial reconstructions into single 3D model representation. It is this place that being developed in this Master Thesis. A volumetric integration technique for merging multiple aligned overlapping range images based on the Marching Intersections algorithm is implemented. Furthermore, several techniques are implemented to improve the quality of the 3D final representation. These techniques are: - A filtering procedure of the partial reconstructions. - A weighted function according to the data input confidence. - A triangular mesh-based hole-filling algorithm. - An algorithm for creating a texture by stitching color information from the set of RGB input images using camera’s visibility information. We analyze and obtain conclusions about the results of the implemented integration algorithm and how works the proposed improving techniques. Finally, we analyze a comparison between our application and the volumetric integration algorithm called VripPack

    Estrategias de scheduling para la asignación de recursos radio en una red móvil celular

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    En el siguiente documento se analiza el comportamiento de las disciplinas de servicio NEDF (Normalized Earliest Deadline First) y SCFQ (Self-Clocked Fair Queue) aplicadas en el enlace descendente de un recurso móvil con tecnología GSM/GPRS/EDGE. En la gestión de los recursos móviles tenemos en cuenta tanto el tráfico de voz (llamadas), como el tráfico de datos (descarga de email y navegación wap) y estudiamos en que medida la aplicación de las anteriores disciplinas de servicio mejora el funcionamiento del sistema en términos de retardo y ancho de banda. Para asegurar que los resultados obtenidos son correctos, se empieza por simular sistemas sencillos (p.ej.: M/M1, M/D/1, M/M/C/C ) y verificar analíticamente los resultados obtenidos. A partir de esta base sólida se simulan escenarios más complejos donde aplicamos las disciplinas de servicio comentadas para extraer conclusiones al respecto